That's Not a Hat

That's Not a Hat

3.94 out of 5
284+ people loved this game
15 minutes
Number of players
3 - 8 players
Minimum age
8+ years

That's Not a Hat review

I was skeptical at first - "That's Not a Hat" seemed like a simple memory game. But oh, how wrong I was! This game is a riot, and I've had more laughs playing it than almost any other party game. It's so easy to learn, with clear rules, and it only takes a few minutes to explain. The premise is simple: players pass cards around the table, trying to remember what's on them, but the cards are flipped upside down, so you can't see them once they're passed. The fun comes in trying to remember what you have, and what others have, and then bluffing your way through it when your memory fails! It's truly hilarious to see people's faces when they've forgotten what's on the card they're passing around.

I've played this with groups ranging from 3 to 6, and it's been a hit with everyone. It's fun, easy to learn, and quick to play. If you're looking for a game to bring to your next party, I highly recommend "That's Not a Hat." You won't regret it!