DC Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite

DC Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite

3.89 out of 5
571+ people loved this game
Deck Construction
45 minutes
Number of players
2 - 5 players
Minimum age
15+ years

DC Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite review

I recently picked up DC Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite and I've been having a blast! It's a fast-paced, addictive game that gives you that "just one more hand" feeling.

The gameplay is simple to grasp. You choose a Super Hero, each with their own unique power. You use your starting cards to acquire stronger ones – Heroes, Equipment, even Villains – to take down the Super Villains. Your chosen Super Hero, featured on a beautiful oversized card, provides benefits that help you triumph over evil.

I was particularly impressed by how quick and easy this game is to set up and play. Once you know the rules, you can get it going in under 10 minutes! It takes up very little table space and is easily packed away. There are no loose pieces or dice to worry about losing. It's a game where you spend more time playing than setting up.

The "Heroes Unite" set features a diverse range of Super Heroes: Shazam!, Batgirl, Hawkman, Nightwing, Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Booster Gold. As far as I can tell, it's the most basic of the starter sets, with other sets offering unique features like 2v2 mode or new game types and campaigns.

There are a few downsides, though. While the card art is beautiful, it would have been nice to include a play mat. The game does come with a storage tray, but it's not the best; there's enough space for a couple of card sets, but they could have maximized space with a slightly different design.

Another drawback is the lack of an official solo variant. There's a great fan-made solo variant on BoardGameGeek, but if you want an official one, you have to buy the Crisis Pack or get the DC Rebirth version.

Compared to Marvel Legendary, this game is simpler, faster, and easier to set up. Legendary has more variety with its schemes and villains, but it also takes longer to play and set up. I go for DC when I want a quick game or am playing with people new to card games.

Overall, I highly recommend DC Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite to fans of DC Comics and anyone looking for a fun, fast-paced card game.