Argent: The Consortium

Argent: The Consortium

4.20 out of 5
34+ people loved this game
Worker Placement
60 - 150 minutes
Number of players
2 - 5 players
Minimum age
10+ years

Argent: The Consortium review

Argent: The Consortium is a worker-placement/engine-building game with a lot going on. You're vying to become the Chancellor of Argent University of Magic, and you need to gain influence to secure the votes of the Consortium. This game has a lot of moving parts - you gather resources, build your influence, and cast spells to win votes, but the criteria for winning are a secret until the end. It's a cutthroat game, with plenty of opportunities for player interaction and, sometimes, ruthless play. I was particularly impressed with the variety of spells and abilities available, with different mage types and powers. It's a really interesting take on the worker-placement genre, offering a lot of depth and strategic choices. That said, it's not for everyone. The game can be quite complex and the sheer number of options can lead to analysis paralysis, which can slow down the game. But for experienced gamers who like strategic choices and depth, it's a real winner. It's also a great game for fans of fantasy, with a Harry Potter meets Game of Thrones vibe.

I've seen some criticism about the game's complexity and the need for lots of table space. However, I find the complexity a strength, and the game's size is less important than the quality of the experience. It's a game that rewards strategic thinking and planning, and it's always a joy to see how different strategies play out. I've played it several times with different groups and it's always engaging and unique. If you're looking for a deep, complex, and strategic game, Argent: The Consortium is a strong contender.